Lucid Technology is a customer-focused organization with a team of highly skilled technology professionals that are dedicated to providing the highest quality service and solutions to our customers. From planning stages to final deployment, our experts will take care of any hardware services you need from building a custom -configured Network Attached Storage device to cabling and installing full racks of servers at your datacenter. If your computing infrastructure is virtualized, Lucid Technology has vmWare certified professionals who can assist with the assessment, configuration, and deployment of the virtual machines all the way through making sure that the final configuration is stable and secure.
Here are just a few reasons to engage Lucid Technology with your IT project:
Increased Productivity – our team will provide you with a wide array of services to maximize your system’s performance. From basic support to complex solutions, the experts at Lucid Technology can do it all. This leaves your IT personnel free to work on other essential tasks while we handle all of the heavy lifting, resulting in a greater productivity, higher availability, and increased stability.
Improved Security – your company’s information is priceless. Ensuring the ongoing security of corporate assets is essential to daily operations and to maintaining competitive advantage. The Lucid Security Consulting team will use their extensive experience to maximize the security of your valuable data and operations.
Engineering Escalation – if our support team encounters a bug or an issue that requires deeper expertise, we will escalate the issue to our software development team where software patches will be created and tested for resolving the issue at hand.
Custom Development and Consulting – we work with OEMs and resellers to customize our flagship LucidNAS Storage Software. This includes customizing the kernel and device drivers, kernel and system optimization for maximum performance, and a host of other services that allow OEMs and resellers to fully utilize the LucidNAS platform.